Fitness Professionals: What would you do, if you lost half a million followers overnight?
As a fitness professional, have you ever worried about losing all of your Facebook fans or Instagram followers? What would happen if all of a [...]
Let’s Talk Periscope: Is it Worth it For Your Fitness Business?
Let’s talk Periscope. Is it worth “hopping on”? In this post I’m going to take a look at what Periscope is, how you can use it to grow your fitness business, the mistakes you MUST avoid if you’re going to use this platform and how to implement a strong strategy to actually get measurable results from all of your efforts.
7 Steps to Building Your Own Website
In today's video I'm going to show you how to build your own website in 7 easy steps. You and I both know, if you really want to grow your fitness business you have to have a website and a blog. There's no doubt about it. If you don’t have one, no one can find you online, and that’s the first place people will look to find out more about you. It helps you to build up your credibility and it helps you to showcase your expertise. Let me show you how to do it...
4 Things You Need to Know to Get the Best Results With Facebook Advertising
In this video I’m going to go over four things you need to implement to really get the best results out of Facebook advertising. A lot of people simply hit the boost post feature when advertising on Facebook and don’t get the results they really want, so I want to cover 4 things you can start to introduce into your Facebook campaigns, to help you get better results.
How to Overcome the Fear of “Putting Yourself Out There” Online
Hey, Jaimee Maree here from and today I want to take a look at one of the main reasons why fitness professionals [...]
How to Stop Being Dependent on Social Media and Build Your Fitness Business Online
In this video I’m going to cover a pretty foreign concept to a lot of fitness professionals, but it’s one that can either make or break your business. I see so many people failing to do this that I want to ensure you don’t make the same mistake. The central idea is actually pretty simple, and a lot of people might actually dismiss it without thinking it through, but trust me when I tell you that the implications of not doing this are far too broad to ignore.
Are you making these 5 Mistakes with your ‘About Page’?
When I come across a lot of websites created by fitness professionals, one of the first things I take a look at, is their about [...]
Is This One Thing Holding You Back From Growing Your Fitness Business?
Incase you prefer reading… Here’s the video transcript! Hey Jaimee Maree here from and today I want to quickly talk to you about one of the biggest things that hold fitness professionals back from being really successful. We’re going to take a look at what’s stopping you from getting more clients, more money and more freedom to do the things that you love doing. What is really comes down to, is your ability to take action.
How to Create Attention Grabbing Content to Stand Out in The Fitness Industry
Incase you prefer reading – here’s the video transcript!Have you ever created a piece of content on your website or blog, or perhaps even in your studio and have no one read it?It may have been an article to help them with their health and fitness goals, or it may have been a newsletter or a recipe and you didn’t get the response you were expecting. There’s nothing worse than putting time, effort and energy into creating content and then having no one even look at it.
Warning: Could Online Fitness Programs Steal Your Job?
It’s without a doubt that the world of online training is becoming more and more popular and it’s having a considerable impact on fitness professionals worldwide. Have you noticed the effect? It offers an incredible opportunity but understandably, some are afraid that online training programs will ‘steal’ their job right from under them, if they don’t adapt to the online market.