If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, it’s that dedication is one of the fundamental keys to success.

When things don’t happen right away, just remember: It takes 6 months to build a rolls-royce and 13 hours to build a toyota.

The same is for those who want to get fit right?

It doesn’t take 13 hours. It takes months of dedication.

You can be the best trainer in the world, but if your clients aren’t dedicated, they won’t see results.

They won’t keep coming back to you.

They won’t become one of your success stories.

Frustrating right?

So, what do you think separates successful fitness professionals with those who don’t make it in the industry?

You guessed it. Dedication.

You need to be dedicated to getting results for your clients and…

You need to be dedicated to learning what it takes to build a business.

Whether you’re a personal trainer, gym owner, yoga instructor, health coach, Pilates trainer, you’re responsible for generating leads and building up your client base.

So, here are some of the best lessons you can learn to be successful in the fitness industry

1. Becoming an “overnight success” takes patience and dedication

Creating a fitness business that lasts, takes time. If success truly happened overnight, and it was easy – everyone would be doing it.

It takes time to build value and trust, but it’s well worth it.

Just remember, if you invest in yourself and learn how to build a successful business, you’ll be separating yourself from a lot of people in the fitness industry who don’t make it.

So what is one of the most common reasons they don’t make it?

They don’t realise what it takes to be a top fitness professional. They think clients will just come to them, and they don’t realise they need to learn how to market themselves effectively.

2. Quality Trumps Quantity

Like a lot of things in life – Quality trumps quantity. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to get fit, is focusing on quantity rather than the quality of their workouts. The same goes for marketing.

There are a lot of “business gurus” who teach fitness professionals that it’s all about trying every marketing strategy under the sun, doing anything and everything you can both offline and online to get new clients.

The problem is, if you spread yourself too thin and jeopardise the quality of your marketing then you’ll be like a mouse on a wheel and you won’t get the results you want.

My tip – focus on two or three strong marketing strategies (I recommend you learn how to dominate on Facebook) and become a master. If you build your foundation on these platforms and focus on delivering quality rather than quantity, then you will see results.

3. It’s not about what YOU want – it’s about the value you can offer

Unless you have something of value to offer your clients, you don’t have a business. It’s great to have passion, goals and dreams, but that’s not enough. You must have something of great value to offer, if you’re going to be successful.

That is why you need to consistently offer your clients a lot of value and separate yourself from your competitors.

Think about it. What can you offer your clients that would be really valuable to them, that a lot of other trainers and instructors don’t?

You need to understand your clients inside and out. Who are they? What problems are they experiencing? Can you offer them a solution and are they willing to pay for it?

The moment you shift your focus from “How can I get more” to “how can I help you”, magic happens.

Everything I do in my business is aimed at providing you with immense value, and if there’s one thing I know, it’s that every fitness professional needs to be using Facebook.

If you take one thing from this post, just remember the importance of Dedication, Quality and Offering Immense Value and you’ll go a long way to building a successful fitness business.

Thank you for being a continued fan and supporting what we do!

To your success

Jaimee Maree

P.S I don’t want you to drop everything right now and focus on Facebook marketing, but Facebook MUST be part of your overall strategy.

So when you’re ready, if you haven’t yet joined our training course, just know that I come from a place of value and I’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting more leads and clients from Facebook right here.